Celebrating Strength

Celebrating Strength at our Fort Worth photography studio…

It is so hot here in Fort Worth, Texas and while many of us (my family included) are finding ways to stay lazy and cool indoors until our bodies adjust to the heat, we are also not as motivated to exercise, and stay in shape.

This recent session in our studio was so much fun, inspirational and motivational.  The inspiration behind the session was to celebrate this woman’s year of very particular body, mind, and spirit training. We wanted the session to have a focus of strength and power, with an underlying expression of fun with her significant other. Traditional poses were expected, but the unusual and fun poses were most requested. This couple came with ideas and suggestions and we had a wonderful mix of traditional and fun. We tried some special lighting techniques with gels and smoke to even add even a bit more power to these images.

This was such a fun session for us.

Now everyone get out there and exercise!

Just look at the definition in her arms!